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I love writing messages and sharing them with people just like yourself. This is at the core of who I am; it is what excites me and fuels me. This is what gives my life meaning and makes me want to push through the hardship and endure the struggle, in spite of how much pain or discomfort I might face. Yet, it is ironic that the beginning of this discovery came about when I was involved in something that, never would I have thought, would lead me to the place I am today.

My passion for delivering presentations and sharing messages to motivate us, while enlightening us with proven techniques and practices, were actually birthed out of my gift for numbers. Specifically, for teaching alternative formulas and methods for calculating numbers. In fact, I first made a name for myself as an Exceptional Math Student. I impressed my Teachers while in grade school and, later, went on to amaze Professors and Deans of the Math Department at, both, the Undergraduate and Graduate Level of Colleges and Universities. However, until I began delivering presentations and teaching these non-traditional formulas and methods for calculating numbers, I never knew how much enjoyment I’d experience delivering messages.

I began my work as a Public Speaker before I did any of the other work I am currently doing. I, first, began doing this on a voluntary basis by delivering the aforementioned presentations. I developed an innovative math program, over the course of years, ranging from grade school on up into my twenties.

As a young kid, dating all the way back to fifth grade, I amazed others with my abilities to accurately calculate numbers without any pencil and paper, calculator or any other device, all, at an alarming rate of speed. As I moved on to junior high and high school, I began developing my own algorithms for solving math problems. This was before I had ever heard of the term: algorithm, much less knew what one was or what it meant.

After I was out on my own, as a young adult, having innovated these ways and having mentally compiled them, I took them into schools and taught them to classes of students and, occasionally, to a classroom of teachers. Through teaching these alternative methods and formulas for calculating numbers and solving math problems I got my start as a Public Speaker. This officially began back in 1994. However, since I am not certain as to the date that I first received any wages for teaching these, I settled on 1996 in naming my website:

For quite some time, if anyone were to mention me in the same breath as Public Speaking, it would have been about me teaching my innovative math program. In fact, for the most part, if anyone were to speak of me being phenomenally gifted at anything, usually they were referencing my gift for accurately and quickly calculating numbers without an instrument, of any kind.

That was until that day. I remember being in a local bookstore when I came across some VHS Tapes that piqued my interest. I purchased the first video to a series and, shortly thereafter, bought the remaining videos. As I watched those videos I found myself moving away from Mathematics and over to Leadership and Personal Growth. My interests were suddenly changed, almost overnight. The man who introduced me to these subjects and captivated my interest, challenging me and leading me to yearn for more and more lessons and insight is World Renowned! He is known throughout the world by numerous people as THE Leadership Expert. His impact has been felt in the Church and Ministry World, as well as, the Business World and other sectors. His name is John Calvin. No; not the Theologian. It was another Man of Faith by the name of John Calvin Maxwell.

You might have seen his name – John C. Maxwell - printed on one of his more than 120 books1 that have been released. John opened up my world, educating me and enlightening me unlike anyone else had ever done before. From that point on, my feet were set on a new path and my life took on a whole new trajectory.

It has been roughly 30 years since I first discovered John and much has changed since then. My life has become more and more integrated with The Word, from my understanding of the scriptures to living my life according to the scriptures’ teachings. Having said that, I have had my fair share of defeats. I, in no way, have ridden the smooth sails of life. To the contrary, I have faced plenty of challenges and hardships. While I have been successful on many occasions and in many undertakings, it was something different that has stood out the most. I have learned to appreciate some people and cherish some experiences I never thought I would.

In addition to this, along the way there has been a pretty bothersome scenario that continues to surface. Found within the array of experiences there has been a constant that continues to show itself. Perhaps you are familiar with it? Time and time again, there have been examples in my own life and, undoubtedly, in yours where we make a decision for the betterment of an outcome and, yet, the circumstances don’t change. Or, if they do; rarely, do they seem to improve. Can you relate? So, what are you to do? Should you look for that silver lining? If not; what is the answer? This is a specialty of my Mentorship Program, which is for Young-Aged Men and Middle-Aged Men. In this program, my client and I share time together. working on projects, reading and discussing material, undertaking studies, and going on short trips, together, to attend events and, at times, rub shoulders with people of high grades; meaning, those who are well advanced in their careers.

Friends, everyone faces many challenges and there’s not one of us who doesn’t have to endure his or her fair share of hardships, struggles, and unjust treatment. These experiences can make us or break us. They have the ability to shape us for the better or shackle us for the worse. Through such experiences of my own, I’ve been molded and made into the man I am today. What have these done to me? These experiences have grounded me, at times; but, ultimately, it’s what they’ve done for me. Through these experiences, and because of them, I have been propelled forward and provided with opportunities that never would’ve come my way, otherwise.

Moreover, it has been through these experiences that I have been educated and instructed. They have proven much to me that I wouldn’t have known or, otherwise, believed. Hence, all of these H.A.T.S. I have worn – the Hardships, Attacks, Trials, and Struggles - has built and raised me up to Empower You to Excel, to Encourage You to Effectual Living, to Embolden You to Energize Your World and Those Around You.

These 3 E.Y.E.s are at the heart of what I do in my work as a Mentor.

I have the insights, the resources and, even more, the life experience to…

Relate to your struggle

Export my knowledge into you

Accentuate your strengths and grow your influence

Lead you; helping you to rise up and enter into a much better place within yourself, enormously impacting your life and those whose lives you touch.

In whatever capacity that my work touches you, I will be R.E.A.L. with you. Why? Because being real is being true. When it is true, it is reality, it is undeniable and, indeed, the truth. Moreover, it is through Truth that one earns the right to be instrumental in another person's life.

THE LIFE exists to help you to experience THE LIFE you desire.

I'd love to assist you through any of the services I provide to my clients. Or, if you simply want to connect and become a better person, a more qualified leader and learn together, it is my deep desire that we may.

– Brandon Lawson
(513)-520-7597 or (937)-576-4108

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